Nursing Home Abuse/Negligence

Very recently, the family of a St Louis area nursing home resident filed suit in court on behalf of an elderly grandmother. The allegations are beyond startling: the 84 year old resident had bruising suggestive of having been raped. LINK
There are 515 nursing homes in operation in Missouri alone.
Moreover, there are fully 1 million seniors over the age of 65 in Missouri, creating a large demand for these nursing home facilities. It’s estimated that a decade from now, 1 in 5 Missouri residents will be seniors. LINK
While nursing homes are the subject of state laws and regulations, reports of nursing home abuse are on the rise. In fact, there are THOUSANDS of reports of senior abuse in a SINGLE YEAR within the state of Missouri alone.
If you know or suspect that your loved one is the subject of nursing home abuse , you can pursue legal action against the nursing home. You can seek fair compensation for nursing home wrongdoing, including future expenses that result from the past misconduct and negligence. Contact Collins Law Firm today for immediate help and a free case consultation.